Mike the cat was not impressed that I got a write-up in my hometown paper. But here are interviews and reviews for you. (To buy books, here and here.) Special bonus: Letters to the Editor on subjects as varied as cats, bookstores, childhood obesity, Velázquez, and having an "ongoing conversation" rather than "the Talk."
Need a BIO? Carol Weston is the author of 16 books including Speed of Life, Girltalk, and Ava and Pip. She's been on The View and Today and is the "Dear Carol" advice columnist at Girls' Life and studied literature at Yale and Middlebury.
Here’s my WHOLE CAREER IN A NUTSHELL, a 2019 TV spot.
Speed of Life’s glowing NYT Book Review
Speed of Life is a New York Post must-read
I admit: I'm delighted that The New York Times Book Review liked SPEED OF LIFE and AVA AND PIP (see below) and that The Times has published well over fifty of my Letters to the Editor. "A Presidential Meow" is one of the shortest letters they ever published. "Is Obesity OK?" was a Sunday Dialogue. I also wrote about independent bookstores and altering girls’ yearbook photos. (Google New York Times Opinion Carol Weston…)
June 18 2017 New York Times Book Review "perceptive, funny and moving"
Advice Needed: Speed of Life Review
Little Sister, Big Plans: Ava and Pip Review
Socks, Bill Clinton's cat, at the White House podium in 1994.
CreditMarcy Nighswander, Associated Press
A Presidential Meow
"Re politicians and their pups (front page, April 1): Cat pictures, please."
Is Obesity OK?
“I’ve been an advice columnist for 20 years, and I wish we could change the depressing fact that one of three kids is overweight or obese....”
Independent Bookstores
"It always hurts to see a bookstore shut its doors for whatever reason…"
Obama and the Kids
“I hope that the Obamas are having fun in Hawaii. Raising teenagers is hard. Doing so in public is a feat. As Jerry Seinfeld once said, 'There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.'...”